
The Most Fun Ways to Get Fit in 2017


We get it. Finding inspiration to get fit isn't always easy. It seems like every single thing we do in life is getting newer, easier, and more exciting except getting back in shape. It's unfair, isn't it? It can be, but only if you insist on doing the same old thing. Why confine yourself to the same old routine, same old cardio, and same old, tired excuses that keep you away from your goals? Here are the most fun ways to get back in shape this year!
Yes, it's true! You really can go on a trip, be pampered, indulge, and enjoy yourself while also getting back into shape! But if you think you'll get these results from hitting the buffets in Vegas, you're dead wrong! The type of travel that we're suggesting is a fitness retreat. You get all the great things about a luxury five-star week with hands-on direction from fitness experts like New York Times bestseller and eat-clean guru Tosca Reno. Reno told POPSUGAR that these retreats do change lives thanks to the one-on-one guidance and training you receive.
What does this mean in real terms? You get all the fun of going to the beach and relaxing in the sun after a morning workout and then get to learn how to make a healthy lunch with expert tips designed to help you get in the best shape of your life! Reno's retreat runs in Costa Rica on April 2017, hosted by My Retreats Unlimited, who has a whole squad of other fit professionals like celebrity trainer Mark Harari. You can also stay at any one of these health resorts, which offer ongoing fitness programs throughout the year.
Sometimes the last thing you want to do is get into a kitchen and make your own meal. It can be a chore even on the nicest days, but maybe the reason you're dreading your pots and pans is because you're lacking the creativity you need to make food preparation fun. Taking a cooking class is a great way to reignite your interest in all things culinary. According to Toronto-based culinary nutritionist Keisha Luke, "Learning how to cook new things in new ways is an important step to eating right and getting healthy." It's not just the skills though. In fact, "the habit of cooking healthy meals and planning out your diet can be fun but, more importantly, it is the foundation a healthy lifestyle," Luke told us. In addition to that, there's really nothing more gratifying than enjoying a meal you made for yourself or your family. Want some more fun in the kitchen? Cook with your partner or kids. The laughs far outweigh the inevitable mess and you'll be making memories and healthy habits for life! ads
The Most Fun Ways to Get Fit in 2017 The Most Fun Ways to Get Fit in 2017 Reviewed by Unknown on 00:04 Rating: 5

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